Saturday, November 7, 2009

BP8_2009112_Peer Review of Sheryl Floyd's Web 2.0 Tool

"The free version of Screenflow! How fun will this be for my students to record their own tutorials and understanding of specific computer applications or classroom assessments.

The site is easy use and gives a lot easy, intuitive options. First of all, the tutorial provides an overview of how the site works and the tools that can be used to create screencasts created on your computer. The website is free but one needs to create an account. However, the site can be used on both Macs and Windows.

Other than the obvious purpose of creating tutorials for students,
Some ideas:
students can in turn, create tutorials for almost any situation.
create tutorials for next year’s students on how to create a document in Adobe InDesign for newspaper, editing photos, using photoshop or editing on an application
as an assessment on how to use a computer program like iMovie

The site allows just specific parts of the screen to be recorded and to provide voice recording as well. And it allows for sharing videos on sites like twitter, facebook and delicious. The other great feature is that videos can be uploaded directly to the screentoaster website, youtube or you can download the movie file as a .mov.

Recording can also involve voice recording. I think the beauty of this site is that a student can use it at home and it doesn’t even involve downloading a program."

I use screenflow on an almost weekly basis for my class and in order to do this I bought the program. It would have been so nice to get the same functionality out of a free program such as screen toaster! I went on and registered for the site as soon as I learned about it and I am impressed that the free version (screentoaster) records just as good as the version I paid for (screenflow). The only draw back is the fact that I like the editing tools built into the screenflow program. Other than that difference, I am happy to recommmend this tool to anyone who wants to record videos for demos, walkthrough, or podcasts. Finally, the fact that it is strictly online and is does not take up space on your hard drive coupled with the idea that it works for any operating system just makes it all the more efficient. Great look into the web 2.0 tools Sheryl. I will look forward to telling others about this online program.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tim, I am thrilled I could finally find a tool that was free and useful. Glad you could too!
